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How To Record Your iPhone screen, And Find Or Edit The Screen Recordings

  Taking a screenshot  – a single still image of your iPhone's screen – is pretty easy. And luckily, taking a screen recording — a video of your iPhone's screen — is just as easy, once you know how to enable it. Here's how to screen record on your iPhone, and then find the video once it's saved. Enabling screen recordings on your iPhone Before you can record your screen, you'll need to turn on the screen recording feature. 1.  Open the Settings app and then tap "Control Center." Tap "Customize Controls." 2.  Find "Screen Recording." If it isn't already in the section labeled "Include," tap the green plus sign next to it. You should see it move to the "Include" section. Screen Recording should be listed in the Include section.  If you ever want to disable screen recording again, just return to this screen and tap the red minus sign next to it. How to screen record on your iPhone Once you've turned the feature

How To Edit Your YouTube Videos Like An Expert

1. Create a Project Directory When it is the first time for you to edit a large project the temptation can be to put everything on your Desktop and try to ‘wing it’. In a few words; this is not a good idea. Each time you start an editing project you need to create a ‘project directory’. This is not rocket science. Create a project folder, in the folder create more folders for the likes of Music, Photos, Footage, and so on. Next take all of your material and put each one into the right folder. Giving each file a brief label is also a good idea but if you really don’t have the 4itme for this don’t worry. When it comes to the actual project file (you may be using Premiere or iMovie, it really doesn’t matter) you can just place it straight into the directory without creating a sub-folder. Now that you have created a Project Directory, your project is going to feel a lot more organized and everything will be easily accessible. There is nothing like being able to find what you want straight

10 Video Editing Tips For Beginners

  Filming your shot properly is only half the battle; the other half is in the post-production stage. This is when you put your wizard hat on and make necessary edits to make your video flow smoothly and professionally. Like filming, video editing requires a good combination of creative sense and technical skills. It also needs the  best video editing software  for the job. In this article, we will cover some of the best video editing tips to maximize your productivity as a film producer.  Video editing tips 01. Start before production The best filmmakers know to take editing considerations seriously before they even start filming their video. For example, do you need to take any special precautions while filming, such as using soundproof padding for reducing echo? Selecting the best camera and microphone for the studio can help you fix half the problems that you might later encounter during the editing stage. 02. Have a clear vision Before you get started, you should take a moment to