elegram is one of the popular instant messengers for variety of reasons. In October 2017, Live Locations sharing made a debut on Telegram, and that arrived roughly 10 days before WhatsApp rolled it out. Now you know why Telegram users breathe a sense of elite pride over WhatsApp users.
Of many things that Telegram gets it right, the ability to share live location in real-time with whoever you're texting is a really interesting one. So we are taking a nosedive to share how you can share live location on Telegram and how useful it can be.
Live Location in Telegram is almost similar to the ‘Share Location’ feature of Google Maps, which allows users to share their location in real-time with friends.
Telegram's Live Location also help you track your friends and relatives by tracking them in real-time or a specified period. Of course, it can be time-bound tracking as well.
Without further ado, check out how you can share your location with your family (and vice versa) on Telegram.
DID YOU KNOW: A group chat on Telegram can accommodate up to 200,000 members.
Before you go ahead to follow the steps listed below, ensure you have the latest version of the Telegram app installed on your smartphone. That is because the Live Location feature is only present in version 4.4 and higher of the Telegram app.
If you use any version older than v4.4, you will not be able to share and track the location of people you text on Telegram. They wouldn't be able to track you either. To enjoy this feature in its full capacity, update your Telegram app.
Now let's get right to it.
Step 1: Launch your Telegram app and open the chat window of who you want to share your location with.
Step 2: Tap the Paperclip icon next to the text box.
Step 3: A list of options will be revealed. Select the icon labeled as Location.
Step 4: If you are using the Live Location feature for the first time, Telegram will request access to use your device's location/GPS. Grant Telegram location privileges by clicking Allow in the pop-up menu.
After that, the location sharing window of the Telegram app will pop out.
Step 5: On the Location window, select ‘Send my current location’ option. Your current location will be embedded as a text and sent to the recipient.
When he/she click the location-embedded text, a map containing your current location appears. Your friends can use this map to get directions to where you are by simply clicking the Arrow icon at the bottom of the map.
QUICK TIP: Swipe the location card up, and a list of nearby places (restaurants, bars, hotels, etc.) will appear. You can select these places as your current location.
Telegram offers a handy way to share your location and also keep track of your loved ones in real-time. This feature comes in pretty useful for tracking your kids while you're at work. The Live Location feature is fantastic for giving the right direction to a mapped place, hangout spot, or any other pinned location.
You share your location with others, and even make a group so that your family isn't worried about you while you're on a road trip. Sadly, the feature isn't available on the desktop/PC app or web version of Telegram. It is restricted to the Telegram mobile app only. Hopefully, Telegram develops the feature for PC soon.
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